Finding What You Do not Seek
Orison Marden
Dining one day with Baron James Rothschild; Eugene Delacroix; the famous French artist; confessed that; during some time past; he had vainly sought for a head to serve as a model for that of a beggar in a picture which he was painting; and that; as he gazed at his host’s features; the idea suddenly occurred to him that the very head he desired was before him。 Rothschild; being a great lover of art; readily consented to sit as the beggar。 The next day; at the studio; Delacroix placed a tunic around the baron’s shoulders; put a stout staff in his hand; and made him pose as if he were resting on the steps of an ancient Roman temple。 In this attitude he was found by one of the artist’s favorite pupils; in a brief absence of the master from the room。 The youth naturally concluded that the beggar had just been brought in; and with a sympathetic look quietly slipped a piece of money into his hand。 Rothschild thanked him simply; pocketed the money; and the student passed out。 Rothschild then inquired of the master; and found that the young man had talent; but very slender means。
Soon after; the youth received a letter stating that charity bears interest; and that the accumulated interest on the amount he had given to one he supposed to be a beggar was represented by the sum of ten thousand francs; which was awaiting his claim at the Rothschild office。
This illustrates well the art to cheerful amusement even if one has great business cares—the entertainment of the artist; the personation of a beggar; and an act of beneficence toward a worthy student。
It was said by Wilhelm von Humboldt; that “it is worthy of special remark that when we are not too anxious about happiness and unhappiness; but devote ourselves to the strict and unsparing performance of duty; then happiness es of itself。”
Are not buoyant spirits like water sparkling when it runs? “I have found my greatest happiness in labor;” said Gladstone。 “I early formed a habit of industry; and it has been its own reward。 The young are apt to think that rest means a cessation from all effort; but I have found the most perfect rest in changing effort。 If brain…weary over books and study; go out into the blessed sunlight and the pure air; and give heartfelt exercise to the body。 The brain will soon bee calm and rested。 The efforts of Nature are ceaseless。 Even in our sleep the heart throbs on。 I try to live close to Nature; and to imitate her in my labors。 The pensation is sound sleep; a wholesome digestion; and powers that are kept at their best; and this; I take it; is the chief reward of industry。” 电子书 分享网站
Those only are happy who have their minds fixed on some object other than their own happiness。 “The most delicate; the most sensible of all pleasures;” says La Bruyre; “consists in promoting the pleasures of others。”
And Hawthorne has said that the inward pleasure of imparting pleasure is the choicest of all。
There was once a king who loved his little boy very much; and took a great deal of pains to please him。 So he gave him a pony to ride; beautiful rooms to live in; pictures; books; toys without number; teachers; panions; and everything that money could buy or ingenuity devise; but for all this; the young prince was unhappy。 He wore a frown wherever he went; and was always wishing for something he did not have。 At length a magician came to the court。 He saw the scowl on the boy’s face; and said to the king: “I can make your son happy; and turn his frowns into smiles; but you must pay me a great price for telling him this secret。”
“All right;” said the king,“whatever you ask I will give。” The magician took the boy into a private room。 He wrote something with a white substance on a piece of paper。 He gave the boy a candle; and told him to light it and hold it under the paper; and then see what he could read。 Then the magician went away。 The boy did as he had been told; and the white letters turned into a beautiful blue。 They formed these words: “Do a kindness to some one every day。” The prince followed the advice; and became the happiest boy in the realm。
Happy is he who has no sense of discord with the harmony of the universe; who is open to the voices of nature and of the spiritual realm; and who sees the light that never was on sea or land。 Such a life can but give expression to its inward harmony。 Every pure and healthy thought; every noble aspiration for the good and the true; every longing of the heart for a higher and better life; every lofty purpose and unselfish endeavor; makes the human spirit stronger; more harmonious; and more beautiful。
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