


。 Besides; there’d be plenty of time for that later。 “I’ll just get ready。” Vanessa smiled; trying to figure out what she should wear。 It had been a long time since she’d been to a party。

“Oh; you want to e?” Hollis asked in surprise。 “Okay; that’s cool。 Guys; want some beers? You picked some up; right; babe?” Hollis asked Vanessa; already midway to the Sub…Zero refrigerator。 He hadn’t even taken off his jacket。

Vanessa shook her head in disbelief。 Um; no she hadn’t; and since when was her job to go on beer runs for the guys she didn’t know were ing over?

“That’s fine。 We have a bottle of wine。” Hollis grabbed the bottle of white Ruby had brought over the other night。

That’s mine! Vanessa wanted to yell。 But that was ridiculous。 It was Hollis’s apartment。 “You know; I think I’m actually going to stay in for the night。 Have fun; guys。” Vanessa shrugged。

“You sure?” Hollis asked。 “I won’t be home too late。 So good to be back!” Hollis said; kissing the top of Vanessa’s head。

Vanessa collapsed back on the leather couch and pulled her phone from the crevice behind the cushions。 One new text。 She smiled。 It was probably Hollis; texting from a cab; sweetly saying that he’d miss her and that he’d be back soon。

Instead; it was from Dan。 Asking if she’d rather sled or eat his dad’s fondue。 She immediately thought of Rufus; his crazy outfits and his crazier culinary creations; and then of Dan’s traumatizing story about being mowed over by a large man on a sled when he was a kid。 She laughed out loud; the tension of the last half hour slowly seeping from her limbs。

She looked down at the keypad and quickly typed in I HATE SLEDDING。 BRING ON THE FONDUE!


Vanessa smiled。 Dan was alluding to the first time they’d met; when they’d both found themselves locked out of a party back in high school。 Vanessa had e out onto the fire escape to get some air; and Dan had e out for a cigarette; closing the fire door behind him and locking them both out。 Together; they’d climbed down the side of the massive brick building; and wound up at a nearby bar; talking late into the night and quickly being friends。 That felt so long ago now。

Vanessa pulled her legs underneath her and spread a blanket over her legs。 It was nice to hear from Dan; and especially nice that he didn’t seem to hate her anymore。 Outside; she could hear people from the bar across the street talking and laughing。 She smiled to herself; then texted back: DEPENDS WHO I’D BE LOCKED OUT WITH。

Now who says texting is impersonal?

tangled up in s…

Serena scampered up the snowy hill; pulling a handmade toboggan behind her。 “Natie; let’s race!” she called; her breath ing out in small white puffs。 The floodlights outside the house were on; casting the property in an eerie glow。 Chuck and Blair were already halfway down the hill。 Jenny was still struggling up with her toboggan。 It kept slipping from her mittened hands and sliding back down。

“Okay。” Nate ran after Serena。 It struck him that they were twenty—actual adults—and yet all they wanted to do was act like little kids。 It was like that dumb cliché: The more you change; the more you stay the same。 Maybe growing up was just about being closer to the person you always were。

And he came up with that without any herbal aid。 Impressive。

“Hey!” Nate easily caught up with Serena; wrapping his arms around her willowy; athletic frame。

Serena whirled around to face him; her blond hair whipping his face。 She playfully pushed Nate so he took a lurching step backward into a snowbank。

“No mercy!” Nate yelled; pulling her down with him and wrestling her into the snow。

Serena squealed in protest as she wriggled free; making an impromptu snow angel。 Clumps of snow clung to her long eyelashes。

For a second; Nate was transported back to their sophomore year; to an afternoon when they’d been goofing off in the piles of snow in his courtyard。 It was the first time he’d seen Serena not as plain old Serena; his best friend since kindergarten; but as a beautiful girl。 A girl he loved。

He hastily stood up; brushing the wet snow off the back of his khakis。

“Here;” he offered; holding his hand out to help Serena up。

“Thanks。” Serena got to her feet; still holding Nate’s hand。 She held his gaze。 The air felt thick and the world around them seemed muted。

“Nate; can you help me?” Jenny called from the bottom of the hill。 They both looked up to where she was sitting on top of a toboggan; her cheeks rosy from the cold。

“Sure;” Nate said; reluctantly turning away from Serena。

“Watch out; he’s brutal!” Serena called after them; trying not to feel disappointed。 When Dan had refused to e sledding; it was almost a relief。 Playing in the snow had always been something she and Nate shared。

Nate grabbed the sled and tossed it halfway up the hill。 He caught it and ran the last of the way; Jenny laughing and trudging behind。 They both climbed on and he wrapped his arms around her small frame。 “Let’s go!” he cried; pushing them toward the edge of the slope。

As they hurtled down the hill across the crisp fresh snow; Jenny felt the sting of the wind against her face。 This was nothing like traying at Waverly; where everyone used the dining hall trays to slide down the teeny…tiny hill behind Dumbarton; one of the girls’ dorms。 Toboggans were so much more authentic and quaint。 She felt like one of the sisters in Little Women。 They were always going sledding with their neighbor Laurie; who was too cute for his own good。

封神天子  混沌修真诀  早安,幽灵小姐  洪荒凌霄录  混沌轮回决  轩辕·绝  守护甜心之心梦微凉  校花古游记  九界前传  跨界内娱顶流歌手  女王的裙摆~  砂隐村的守鹤老师  第一名男友  老板,笑一个  天灾末世,我靠囤货建世外桃源  飘渺之旅(1)  梦华传说  涿鹿·炎的最后王孙  遇女心惊  霸绝天  


















