


?Maybe weshould ask Stefan for some iced coffee;? Serena suggested; ignoring her。

?Yes; sound very good。? Ibiza nodded then strode slowly and deliberately to the umbrella…shaded

table。 She pulled out one of the heavy wooden chairs and curled up on it oh…so…casually。 ?I call

him。 Stefan! Stefan!?

Serena held her breath; listening for the sound of approaching footsteps。

?Now;? hissed Blair quietly。

On cue; they jumped off of their lounges and took off running; giggling hysterically; over the

plush velvety lawn and into the thicket of leafy trees on the perimeter of the large; sunny yard。

?Look; look!? Serena ducked behind the leafy boughs of a baby oak; pointing at the scene they?d

just fled: Stefan had appeared; as beckoned; clad in his usual ensemble of tight white tee and cargo

shorts。 He was also sporting a cute little grosgrain ribbon headband to keep his thick hair out of

his brown eyes; which were wide with shock。 Ibiza sat before him in all her bizarre

pale…and…tanned polka…dottedness。 She stuck out her chest; trying to look sexy; but her oddly

shaped boobs just pointed in different directions。 Svetlana had chosen just that minute to finally

emerge from the pool; dripping wet。 She picked up her iPod; stuck in her headphones; and began

to dance; flapping her pale; spindly arms。 She looked like an albino flamingo。 ?Ratfucker!? she

sang loudly; totally misunderstanding the words to the latest Coldplay song。

Serena and Blair laughed so hard they nearly peed them…selves。 Serena felt flushed and giggly;

almost like a little kid again。 A very powerful wave of d?j? vu washed over her; and she was

transported to a moment exactly like this one; only years ago; when they were much younger。 She

and Blair were changing out of their one…piece Lands? End bathing suits behind some raspberry

bushes at her house in Ridgefield; Connecticut。 Nate kept threatening to chase them; and they

were giggling so hard they kept pricking themselves and sticking their feet into the wrong holes of

their terrycloth shorts。

?What the f???

Serena couldn?t believe her eyes?it was almost as if she?d conjured him。 Nate stood in front of

them; his eye…brows furrowed; brushing the splinters off the seat of his khaki shorts after jumping

the wooden fence between the two properties。

?Natie!? Serena ran over and threw her arms around him; forgetting how pletely naked she

was。 He hugged her back; awkwardly patting her bare shoulder。 She giggled and bounded back to

Blair?s side; obscuring her privates with a leafy branch。

Blair grinned devilishly。 It somehow seemed so right to run into Nate like this。 There was just

something soobvious about the three of them together again; even if two…thirds of them weren?t

wearing any clothes。

?Strip; Nate!? Blair cried; running after him like she was going to pull down his cargo shorts。 He

ducked behind an oak tree。

?Skinny…dipping?? Nate asked; peeking out from behind the slim tree trunk。

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